Asia Pacific Musicians Association is hosting the first Auckland Musical Festival for the young musicians in Auckland.
English Syllabus 英文比賽章程 |
Chinese Syllabus 中文比賽章程 |
Enrolment Form 參賽表格 |
General Conditions and Rules 比賽細則和規定 |
Program 比賽組別及參賽順序 |
Competition Timetable 比賽時間 |
Please complete the Enrollment Form and send it to: [email protected]
It is important for you to quote your name as the reference while paying your entry fee.
It is important for you to quote your name as the reference while paying your entry fee.
Exclusive Online Media Partner | 獨家網絡媒體
Exclusive Partner | 獨家冠名媒體
Co-Organizers | 協辦方