新西兰亚太音乐家协会将于8月12日 周六 5pm~7:15pm 在100 St.Heliers Road举办学生音乐会。主要目的是给协会年轻老师的学生以上台的机会,以及让部分器乐、钢琴学生在第三届奥克兰音乐节音乐比赛来临之前能热身练兵、熟悉舞台。
呼吁有关的老师推荐学生报名参加,请把学生的名字、年龄、曲目(程度不限)、作曲家名字、演奏时长、邮箱以及电话号码电邮给王幸老师:[email protected]。入选者报名费15元/人,一律采用网上转账方式,以到款为准为学生预留位置,请家长们在邮件里附送转款成功的截图。
Event: Student Concert 2017
Asia Pacific Musicians Association
Date: 5pm~7:15pm Saturday 12th August
Venue: St Heliers Centre |100 St Heliers Bay Road, Auckland
Application: $15 online transfer for each applicant, free entry for parents and teachers
The student concert is a premiere platform for tomorrow’s musicians. Applications are now open for students wishing to perform on stage and considering a warm up in preparation of the 3rd Auckland Music Festival. The applicant’s teacher and parents are free to attend the concert. Please email your name, age, piece title, composer, the length of the piece, email address and mobile number to [email protected]. Please transfer the application fees, $15 for each applicant, to APMA account and enclose a proof of payment or a screenshot from your online bank in the email.
account name: APMA
account number: 02-0256-0076770-000 (BNZ)
(please write the performer’s name and mobile number in the reference and code)
The closing date for entries is 31st July. Applicants who apply earlier have a better chance to be selected in the student concert. We urge all music enthusiasts to attend this concert and unfold the bright future of classical music.
呼吁有关的老师推荐学生报名参加,请把学生的名字、年龄、曲目(程度不限)、作曲家名字、演奏时长、邮箱以及电话号码电邮给王幸老师:[email protected]。入选者报名费15元/人,一律采用网上转账方式,以到款为准为学生预留位置,请家长们在邮件里附送转款成功的截图。
Event: Student Concert 2017
Asia Pacific Musicians Association
Date: 5pm~7:15pm Saturday 12th August
Venue: St Heliers Centre |100 St Heliers Bay Road, Auckland
Application: $15 online transfer for each applicant, free entry for parents and teachers
The student concert is a premiere platform for tomorrow’s musicians. Applications are now open for students wishing to perform on stage and considering a warm up in preparation of the 3rd Auckland Music Festival. The applicant’s teacher and parents are free to attend the concert. Please email your name, age, piece title, composer, the length of the piece, email address and mobile number to [email protected]. Please transfer the application fees, $15 for each applicant, to APMA account and enclose a proof of payment or a screenshot from your online bank in the email.
account name: APMA
account number: 02-0256-0076770-000 (BNZ)
(please write the performer’s name and mobile number in the reference and code)
The closing date for entries is 31st July. Applicants who apply earlier have a better chance to be selected in the student concert. We urge all music enthusiasts to attend this concert and unfold the bright future of classical music.